Small Dog Rescue



Once called "Lolita" this darling has a name to conjure with.....>

Lilly Pippie-Marie!!

Lilly Pippie-Marie

"I haz my ownie cushion now! From here I kin survez all da world."

Lilly Pippie-Marie




"Over on da left is the Mom! I tinks shez purty! And youz can seez how she loveds me."



"The handsome one iz me! No wait, that ain't right!
The handsome one iz my Dad! He is snuzzzzling me *blush*"

Lilly Pippie-Marie

Lilly Pippie-Marie

"Does youz think this color makes me look fat?
Wait, that reminds me! Wherez Suppppper??!!! It muzt be Supppper Time!"